Thanks to Anzellious and ~ Mizu 水野はな for proofreading and editing The story is set a day before Shouta's birthday. Happy Belated Birthday (9th July) Shouta!!!! Took me sometime to get the editing done (procrastination)
I've always wanted to post a summary for this game but when I felt like doing it, I was already so far ahead into the game. The reason why I even manage to type this out is because I lost my previous account and I had to start over. I even played for almost a year on that account 😭. 26th May was their first anniversary and I started replaying again like on 25th May so I decided that I should type a summary as a play. There may be a few mistakes here and there since there were some important "kanji" that I can't read and I might read some "kanji" wrong. Hope You'll Enjoy!!! PS: 1 Paragraph is 1 Part
I actually plan to post the prologue summary first but then, I decided that it's better to post about the characters first. The characters are below. The summary will be posted next week.
「終極のDolls ~Die Letzte Seele~」 『Shuukyoku no DOLLS ~Die Letzte Seele~』 (The Ultimate DOLLS ~The Last Soul~)
Platform:Otome Drama CD
Illustrator:結賀さとる [Other works: Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly (Otomate Game), Psychedelica of the Ash Falcon (Otomate Game), Laz Meridian (Manga)]
Proofreading Credits: ~ Mizu 水野はな ~from Boyfriend(Beta) and my other friend.
Heroine name: Takamiya Akane(This is made up only for characters other than my bias)
Thoughts: ~ Mizu 水野はな ~: "Lol, he didn't realize that they were mistaken as a couple until after MC mentions it. As expected of Shu. x'D"
☆モコ☆: "Shu is cute so I had fun translation this story."